6 Best Crystals for the Bedroom

If you're looking to create a peaceful and relaxing bedroom environment, consider incorporating crystals into your decor. Crystals such as amethyst, lavender quartz, and lepidolite are some of the best crystals for the bedroom, as they are known for their calming and soothing properties.

The Best Crystals for Chakra Healing

There are 7 main chakras in your astral body, which are connected to your aura. These are the chakras you work within daily life, whether you realize it or not,...

Best Crystals for the Aries Zodiac Sign

The Sun traverses the zodiac sign of Aries from March 20th through April 19th. If you have Aries in your astrology chart or you want to be more in tune...

The Best Crystals for Taurus

Taurus season is April 20th through May 21st. Crystals can support you during this time whether you have Taurus in your astrology chart or you want to be in tune...

Crystals and Zodiac Signs. Which One is Best fo...

When you think of crystals and astrology, you probably think of images of mystical, transparent stones that possess mystical powers. But what you may not know is that there is...

Looking for the Best Full Moon Ritual? Do This ...

Since this Full Moon is in Libra, it is all about balance. But don’t let this fool you, because remember to achieve balance one must do certain changes. So, expect...

The Power of Clear Quartz to Manifest Your Dreams

Clear quartz is one of the most prolific and popular crystals to work with for very good reason- it’s a master healer stone. The ultimate amplifier and director of energy,...

Feeling Low? 3 Tips to Raise Your Vibration

Do you feel tired and fatigued, or without energy? It may be because you’re vibrating low.   Vibration is the way that you feel in every aspect of your life:...

Rhodonite’s heart-healing power

Owing its name to the Greek word “rhodon”, meaning “rose-colored”, rhodonite can help you look at life through rose-colored glasses. It’s a stone of appreciation and openness, helping you find...

3 Effective Ways to Reignite Your Divine Femini...

The divine feminine is a natural force that's nurturing, intuitive, soft, and grounding. It can be found in all living things, including ourselves. Contrary to the logical and action-driven masculine,...

Selenite to Light Up Your Life

Selenite connects you to the higher planes of awareness and awakens your spiritual senses, helping you find upliftment and support from your guides, angels, and higher self whenever you need...

Boost Your Home's Energy Using Feng Shui & Crys...

Feng Shui is the oriental art of placement. Developed over 6,000 years ago in China, Feng Shui's sole mission is to arrange and harmonize your home for good chi or...

Lapis Lazuli Healing Benefits

Royal blue and eye-catching, Lapis Lazuli is a beaming crystal exuding powerful energy. Lapis Lazuli's healing benefits are as unique as its physical features. It’s among the more restorative, nurturing,...

3 Crystals That Balance the Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is the 4th of 7 major energy centers in our body. It connects us to love, compassion, and joy. However, it can also be the most challenging...

Pyrite Crystal: Meaning, Benefits, & Uses

Pyrite is spiritually and emotionally stimulating. It is not a soothing stone and shouldn’t be used at night. Pyrite crystal healing properties shine a bright light on your higher self,...

Best Crystals for Pisces Zodiac Sign

The Sun travels through Pisces from February 18th through March 20th. Pisces themes will be more prominent during this time and even more so for those born with the Sun,...

Want more love and clarity? Amazonite is your c...

People use Amazonite for various reasons. But one of the best reasons why carry this crystal is to boost self-confidence, draw out negative emotions like anger or sorrow, or simply to uplift...

How to manifest more LOVE into your life? Use t...

Since this universal energy makes us feel AMAZING, there’s no surprise we're drawn to it, right? We get inspired, motivated, and re-energized by it, but more importantly, we thrive in...

The Ultimate Self-Love Ritual for Valentine's D...

Now, it may sound like a cliché, but it's true—the most important person in your life is you. So, this Valentine's Day, we invite you to do a self-love ritual....

Black Tourmaline for Clearing & Protection

One of the best crystals to cleanse yourself and your space with, black tourmaline absorbs negative energy like a sponge. This means it can help you clear out the low-frequency...

Tips for Beginners to Find the Right Crystals f...

Pay attention to the crystals you feel immediately attracted to or interested in. There could be something about the color, the cut, the glimmer, the shine- you don’t have to...

Best Healing Crystals for Aquarius

Best Crystals for Aquarius Aquarius is the big thinker of the zodiac. With so many helpful, provocative, and world-changing ideas swirling around your mind all day–it can be exhausting. The...

7 Best Crystals for Bringing Good Luck

Many people feel like they were either born lucky, or they weren’t, that they always win, or they never do. But what if we told you that we were all...

What Numerology Says About 2022

The numerical divinatory art of 2022 can bring us illumination and allow us insights into channeling more collective meaning for everyone. The Universal Year Number provides us with tools for...

The 6 Best Crystals for Capricorn

Capricorns are the steadfast, hardworking, loyal CEOs of the zodiac. But even this high-achieving sign can use a little grounding and energy restoration from their crystal allies. The 6 best...

Malachite for Metamorphosis & Deep Healing

Malachite is a rich, earthy green stone that helps protect your heart and your perspective. It connects you back to the abundance and strength that is always in you, helping...

Crystals and water, which crystals to avoid get...

There are many ways to cleanse crystals, and water is one of the easiest and most available ways out there, but is it ok to get every type of crystal...

Black obsidian for protection & emotional healing

Like all black stones, it carries wonderful properties to absorb, deflect and protect from negative energies, but obsidian is especially good at helping smooth out our tumultuous ocean of emotions. 

No more New Year's resolutions: Try this powerf...

This tradition dates back 4000 years ago, in ancient Babylon. As people celebrated the beginning of a new year, they promised the gods that they would pay their debts and...

Need help choosing the right gifts for your spi...

Need help choosing the right gifts for your spiritual friends?   There are so many things you can gift your witchy, awakened, and spiritual friends. From private yoga and meditation...

Crystals for Beginners: Using Crystal Healing E...

Looking for some of the best crystals to begin your journey? Here are some of our top, must have picks.

How To Protect Yourself From “Holiday Burnout”

Protecting your energy doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming. But it’s important to try different methods until you find the right one for you. No one wants to end...

Carnelian: The Life-Force Crystal

Known as the “charm of light”, Carnelian is a red crystal that embodies life force energy and is a powerful ally to its user. It’s known to increase energy, enhance...

7 of the Best Crystals for Sagittarius

Each zodiac sign resonates with particular crystals based on their healing properties, colors, and vibrations. During this Sagittarius Season, let’s explore the gemstones that resonate with this zodiac sign’s frequencies...

7 Best Crystals for Protection

Whether you’re looking for spiritual protection or protection from negative energy, there are a variety of unique crystals on the market that are here to help keep you safe and...

Crystals For Throat Chakra

Sharing who you really are and what you truly think and feel is imperative. The world misses out on your authentic self and you miss out on the world when...

Crystals for Expressing Yourself through the Sa...

Crystals are an amazing healing tool for activating, balancing, and working with the chakras. In this article, we will be reviewing the Sacral chakra and how working with crystals associated...

Crystals for the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in...

There is a special Full Moon in Taurus on November 19th that occurs under the frequency of a Partial Lunar Eclipse. During this time in particular there is an interesting...

Carnelian for confidence & creative spark

Carnelian, in its vibrant orange color, is a stone of firepower. It’s a get-up-and-go crystal that’ll bring you more energy, confidence, and vitality. It’s the stone to work with when...

Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals : Flow with your L...

Crystals are a beautiful tool for awakening the creative forces of the Solar Plexus chakra. The Solar Plexus chakra is the part of the human energy field located at the...

Tiger’s Eye meaning - Crystals for Confidence &...

A lower chakra healer, tiger’s eye is a combination of sun and earth energies. It activates your solar plexus confidence, ignites your sacral chakra passion and grounds it all down through your...